It's sometimes painful to create a shell script from scratch ...
So here is a script template that can help to start any good shell script.
This template contains header which is use for usage info as well, useful predefined functions and predefined variables, and manage short and long options.
( zip file is attached in this article)
The script in this article has been tested ...
... on Oracle Linux 7
... with #!/bin/ksh and #!/bin/bash shebang
Script source code is a template shell script which is also available for downloading at the end of this article.
#!/bin/ksh #================================================================ # HEADER #================================================================ #% SYNOPSIS #+ ${SCRIPT_NAME} [-hv] [-o[file]] args ... #% #% DESCRIPTION #% This is a script template #% to start any good shell script. #% #% OPTIONS #% -o [file], --output=[file] Set log file (default=/dev/null) #% use DEFAULT keyword to autoname file #% The default value is /dev/null. #% -t, --timelog Add timestamp to log ("+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S") #% -x, --ignorelock Ignore if lock file exists #% -h, --help Print this help #% -v, --version Print script information #% #% EXAMPLES #% ${SCRIPT_NAME} -o DEFAULT arg1 arg2 #% #================================================================ #- IMPLEMENTATION #- version ${SCRIPT_NAME} 0.0.6 #- author Michel VONGVILAY ( #- license CC-BY-SA Creative Commons License #- script_id 0 #- #================================================================ # HISTORY # 2015/03/01 : mvongvilay : Script creation # 2015/04/01 : mvongvilay : Add long options and improvements # 2017/09/01 : mvongvilay : Licence change and minor code change # 2018/02/01 : mvongvilay : Add Inter Process Communication File functions (ipcf) # 2018/02/01 : mvongvilay : Add Parrallelism (bg jobs) management with ipcf # 2018/02/01 : mvongvilay : Change lock with mkdir to be more mutex # 2018/02/01 : mvongvilay : Change exec_cmd to use ipcf and tag stderr output # #================================================================ # DEBUG OPTION # set -n # Uncomment to check your syntax, without execution. # set -x # Uncomment to debug this shell script # #================================================================ # END_OF_HEADER #================================================================ trap 'error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: FATAL ERROR at $(date "+%HH%M") (${SECONDS}s): Interrupt signal intercepted! Exiting now..." 2>&1 | tee -a ${fileLog:-/dev/null} >&2 ; exit 99;' INT QUIT TERM trap 'cleanup' EXIT #============================ # FUNCTIONS #============================ #== fecho function ==# fecho() { _Type=${1} ; shift ; [[ ${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FLAG:-0} -ne 0 ]] && printf "$( date ${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT} ) " printf "[${_Type%[A-Z][A-Z]}] ${*}\n" if [[ "${_Type}" = CAT ]]; then _Tag="[O]" [[ "$1" == \[*\] ]] && _Tag="${_Tag} ${1}" if [[ ${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FLAG:-0} -eq 0 ]]; then cat -un - | awk '$0="'"${_Tag}"' "$0; fflush();' ; elif [[ "${GNU_AWK_FLAG}" ]]; then # fast - compatible linux cat -un - | awk -v tformat="${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT#+} " '$0=strftime(tformat)"'"${_Tag}"' "$0; fflush();' ; elif [[ "${PERL_FLAG}" ]]; then # fast - if perl installed cat -un - | perl -pne 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime "'${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT_PERL}' ' "${_Tag}"' ", gmtime();' else # average speed but resource intensive- compatible unix/linux cat -un - | while read LINE; do \ [[ ${OLDSECONDS:=$(( ${SECONDS}-1 ))} -lt ${SECONDS} ]] && OLDSECONDS=$(( ${SECONDS}+1 )) \ && TSTAMP="$( date ${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT} ) "; printf "${TSTAMP}${_Tag} ${LINE}\n"; \ done fi fi } #== custom function ==# check_cre_file() { _File=${1} _Script_Func_name="${SCRIPT_NAME}: check_cre_file" [[ "x${_File}" = "x" ]] && error "${_Script_Func_name}: No parameter" && return 1 [[ "${_File}" = "/dev/null" ]] && return 0 [[ -e ${_File} ]] && error "${_Script_Func_name}: ${_File}: File already exists" && return 2 touch ${_File} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && error "${_Script_Func_name}: ${_File}: Cannot create file" && return 3 rm -f ${_File} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && error "${_Script_Func_name}: ${_File}: Cannot delete file" && return 4 return 0 } #============================ # ALIAS AND FUNCTIONS #============================ #== error management functions ==# info() { fecho INF "${*}"; } warning() { [[ "${flagMainScriptStart}" -eq 1 ]] && ipcf_save "WRN" "0" "${*}" ; fecho WRN "WARNING: ${*}" 1>&2 ; } error() { [[ "${flagMainScriptStart}" -eq 1 ]] && ipcf_save "ERR" "0" "${*}" ; fecho ERR "ERROR: ${*}" 1>&2 ; } debug() { [[ ${flagDbg} -ne 0 ]] && fecho DBG "DEBUG: ${*}" 1>&2; } tag() { [[ "x$1" == "x--eol" ]] && awk '$0=$0" ['$2']"; fflush();' || awk '$0="['$1'] "$0; fflush();' ; } infotitle() { _txt="-==# ${*} #==-"; _txt2="-==#$( echo " ${*} " | tr '[:print:]' '#' )#==-" ; info "$_txt2"; info "$_txt"; info "$_txt2"; } #== startup and finish functions ==# cleanup() { [[ flagScriptLock -ne 0 ]] && [[ -e "${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}" ]] && rm -fr ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}; } scriptstart() { trap 'kill -TERM ${$}; exit 99;' TERM info "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Start $(date "+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S") with pid ${EXEC_ID} by ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWD}"\ $( [[ ${flagOptLog} -eq 1 ]] && echo " (LOG: ${fileLog})" || echo " (NOLOG)" ); flagMainScriptStart=1 && ipcf_save "PRG" "${EXEC_ID}" "${FULL_COMMAND}" } scriptfinish() { kill $(jobs -p) 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && warning "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Some bg jobs have been killed" ; [[ ${flagOptLog} -eq 1 ]] && info "${SCRIPT_NAME}: LOG file can be found here: ${fileLog}" ; countErr="$( ipcf_count ERR )" ; countWrn="$( ipcf_count WRN )" ; [[ $rc -eq 0 ]] && endType="INF" || endType="ERR"; fecho ${endType} "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Finished$([[ $countErr -ne 0 ]] && echo " with ERROR(S)") at $(date "+%HH%M") (Time=${SECONDS}s, Error=${countErr}, Warning=${countWrn}, RC=$rc)."; exit $rc ; } #== usage functions ==# usage() { printf "Usage: "; scriptinfo usg ; } usagefull() { scriptinfo ful ; } scriptinfo() { headFilter="^#-" [[ "$1" = "usg" ]] && headFilter="^#+" [[ "$1" = "ful" ]] && headFilter="^#[%+]" [[ "$1" = "ver" ]] && headFilter="^#-" head -${SCRIPT_HEADSIZE:-99} ${0} | grep -e "${headFilter}" | sed -e "s/${headFilter}//g" -e "s/\${SCRIPT_NAME}/${SCRIPT_NAME}/g"; } #== Inter Process Communication File functions (ipcf) ==# #== Create semaphore on fd 101 #== Not use anymore ==# # ipcf_cre_sem() { SCRIPT_SEM_RC="${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}/pipe-rc-${$}"; # mkfifo "${SCRIPT_SEM_RC}" && exec 101<>"${SCRIPT_SEM_RC}" && rm -f "${SCRIPT_SEM_RC}"; } #== Use normal file instead for persistency ==# ipcf_save() { # Usage: ipcf_save <TYPE> <ID> <DATA> _Line="${1}|${2}" shift 2 && _Line+="|${*}" [[ "${*}" == "${_Line}" ]] \ && warning "ipcf_save: Failed: Wrong format: ${*}" && return 1 echo "${_Line}" >> ${ipcf_file} ; [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] \ && warning "ipcf_save: Failed: Writing error to ${ipcf_file}: ${*}" && return 2 return 0 ; } ipcf_load() { # Usage: ipcf_load <TAG> <ID> ; Return: $ipcf_return ; ipcf_return="" _Line="$( grep "^${1}${ipcf_IFS}${2}" ${ipcf_file} | tail -1 )" ; [[ "$( echo "${_Line}" | wc -w )" -eq 0 ]] \ && warning "ipcf_load: Failed: No data found: ${1} ${2}" && return 1 ; IFS="${ipcf_IFS}" read ipcftype ipcfid ipcfdata <<< $(echo "${_Line}") ; [[ "$( echo "${ipcfdata}" | wc -w )" -eq 0 ]] \ && warning "ipcf_load: Failed: Cannot parse - wrong format: ${1} ${2}" && return 2 ; ipcf_return="$ipcfdata" && echo "${ipcf_return}" && return 0 ; } ipcf_count() { # Usage: ipcf_count <TAG> [<ID>] ; Return: $ipcf_return ; ipcf_return="$( grep "^${1}${ipcf_IFS}${2:-0}" ${ipcf_file} | wc -l )"; echo ${ipcf_return}; return 0; } ipcf_save_rc() { rc=$? && ipcf_return="${rc}"; ipcf_save "RC_" "${1:-0}" "${rc}"; return $? ; } ipcf_load_rc() { # Usage: ipcf_load_rc [<ID>] ; Return: $ipcf_return ; ipcf_return=""; ipcfdata=""; ipcf_load "RC_" "${1:-0}" >/dev/null ; [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] && warning "ipcf_load_rc: Failed: No rc found: ${1:-0}" && return 1 ; [[ ! "${ipcfdata}" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] \ && warning "ipcf_load_rc: Failed: Not a Number (ipcfdata=${ipcfdata}): ${1:-0}" && return 2 ; rc="${ipcfdata}" && ipcf_return="${rc}" && echo "${rc}"; return 0 ; } ipcf_save_cmd() { # Usage: ipcf_save_cmd <CMD> ; Return: $ipcf_return ; ipcf_return=""; cmd_id="" ; _cpid="$(exec sh -c 'echo $PPID')"; _NewId="$( printf '%.5d' ${_cpid:-${RANDOM}} )" ; ipcf_save "CMD" "${_NewId}" "${*}" ; [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] && warning "ipcf_save_cmd: Failed: ${1:-0}" && return 1 ; cmd_id="${_NewId}" && ipcf_return="${cmd_id}" && echo "${ipcf_return}"; return 0; } ipcf_load_cmd() { # Usage: ipcf_load_cmd <ID> ; Return: $ipcf_return ; ipcf_return=""; cmd="" ; if [[ "x${1}" =~ ^x[0]*$ ]]; then ipcfdata="0" ; else ipcfdata=""; ipcf_load "CMD" "${1:-0}" >/dev/null ; [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] && warning "ipcf_load_cmd: Failed: No cmd found: ${1:-0}" && return 1 ; fi cmd="${ipcfdata}" && ipcf_return="${ipcfdata}" && echo "${ipcf_return}"; return 0 ; } ipcf_assert_cmd() { # Usage: ipcf_assert_cmd [<ID>] ; cmd=""; rc=""; msg=""; ipcf_load_cmd ${1:-0} >/dev/null [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] && warning "ipcf_assert_cmd: Failed: No cmd found: ${1:-0}" && return 1 ; ipcf_load_rc ${1:-0} >/dev/null [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] && warning "ipcf_assert_cmd: Failed: No rc found: ${1:-0}" && return 2 ; msg="[${1:-0}] Command succeeded [OK] (rc=${rc}): ${cmd} " ; [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && error "$(echo ${msg} | sed -e "s/succeeded \[OK\]/failed [KO]/1")" || info "${msg}" ; return $rc ; } #== exec_cmd function ==# exec_cmd() { # Usage: exec_cmd <CMD> ; cmd_id="" ; ipcf_save_cmd "${*}" >/dev/null || return 1 ; { { eval ${*} ipcf_save_rc ${cmd_id} ; } 2>&1 1>&3 | tag STDERR 1>&2 ; } 3>&1 2>&1 | fecho CAT "[${cmd_id}]" "${*}" ipcf_assert_cmd ${cmd_id} return $rc ; } wait_cmd() { # Usage: wait_cmd [<TIMEOUT>] ; _num_timer=0 ; _num_fail_cmd=0 ; _num_run_jobs=0 ; _tmp_txt="" ; _tmp_rc=0 ; _flag_nokill=0 ; _cmd_id_fail="" ; _cmd_id_check="" ; _cmd_id_list="" ; _tmp_grep_bash="exec_cmd" ; [[ "x$BASH" == "x" ]] && _tmp_grep_bash="" sleep 1 [[ "x$1" == "x--nokill" ]] && _flag_nokill=1 && shift _num_timeout=${1:-32768} ; _num_start_line="$( grep -sn "^CHK${ipcf_IFS}" ${ipcf_file} | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d: )" _cmd_id_list="$( tail -n +${_num_start_line:-0} ${ipcf_file} | grep "^CMD${ipcf_IFS}" | cut -d"${ipcf_IFS}" -f2 | xargs ) " ; while true; do # Retrieve all RC from ipcf_file to Array unset -v _cmd_rc_a [[ "x$BASH" == "x" ]] && typeset -A _cmd_rc_a || declare -A _cmd_rc_a #Other: ps -ocomm= -q $$ eval $( tail -n +${_num_start_line:-0} ${ipcf_file} | grep "^RC_${ipcf_IFS}" | cut -d"${ipcf_IFS}" -f2,3 | xargs | sed "s/\([0-9]*\)|\([0-9]*\)/_cmd_rc_a[\1]=\2\;/g" ) ; #debug "wait_cmd: \$_cmd_id_list='$_cmd_id_list' ; \${_cmd_rc_a[@]}=${_cmd_rc_a[@]}; \${!_cmd_rc_a[@]}=${!_cmd_rc_a[@]};" for __cmd_id in ${_cmd_id_list}; do #_tmp_rc="$(ipcf_load_rc ${__cmd_id} 2>/dev/null)" if [[ "${_cmd_rc_a[$__cmd_id]}" ]]; then _cmd_id_list=${_cmd_id_list/"${__cmd_id} "} _cmd_id_check+="${__cmd_id} " [[ "${_cmd_rc_a[$__cmd_id]}" -ne 0 ]] && _cmd_id_fail+="${__cmd_id} " fi done _num_run_jobs="$( jobs -l | grep -i "Running.*${_tmp_grep_bash}" | wc -l )" [[ $((_num_timer%5)) -eq 0 ]] && info "wait_cmd: Waiting for ${_num_run_jobs} bg jobs to finish: $( echo ${_cmd_id_list} | sed -e "s/\([0-9]*\)/[\1]/g" ) (elapsed: ${_num_timer}s)" ((++_num_timer)) if [[ $((_num_timer%_num_timeout)) -eq 0 ]]; then [[ "$_flag_nokill" -eq 0 ]] \ && kill $( jobs -l | grep -i "Running.*${_tmp_grep_bash}" | tr -d '+-' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d" " -f2 | xargs ) 1>/dev/null 2>&1 \ && _tmp_txt="- killed ${_num_run_jobs} bg job(s)" || _tmp_txt="" warning "wait_cmd: Time out reached (${_num_timer}s) ${_tmp_txt} - exit function" return 255 fi [[ "$( echo "${_cmd_id_list}" | wc -w )" -eq 0 ]] && break [[ "${_num_run_jobs}" -eq 0 ]] \ && warning "wait_cmd: No more running jobs but there is still cmd_id left: ${_cmd_id_list}" \ && _cmd_id_fail+="${_cmd_id_list} " && break sleep 1; done _num_run_jobs="$( jobs -l | grep -i "Running.*${_tmp_grep_bash}" | wc -l )" [[ ${_num_run_jobs} -gt 1 ]] \ && warning "wait_cmd: No more cmd but Still have running jobs: $( jobs -p | xargs echo )" _num_fail_cmd="$( echo ${_cmd_id_fail} | wc -w )" [[ ${_num_fail_cmd} -eq 0 ]] && info "wait_cmd: All cmd_id succeeded" \ || warning "wait_cmd: ${_num_fail_cmd} cmd_id failed: $( echo ${_cmd_id_fail} | sed -e "s/\([0-9]*\)/[\1]/g" )" ipcf_save "CHK" "0" "${_cmd_id_check}" return $_num_fail_cmd } assert_rc() { [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && error "${*} (RC=$rc)"; return $rc; } #============================ # FILES AND VARIABLES #============================ #== general variables ==# SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${0})" # scriptname without path SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd )" # script directory SCRIPT_FULLPATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME}" SCRIPT_ID="$(scriptinfo | grep script_id | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3)" SCRIPT_HEADSIZE=$(grep -sn "^# END_OF_HEADER" ${0} | head -1 | cut -f1 -d:) SCRIPT_UNIQ="${SCRIPT_NAME%.*}.${SCRIPT_ID}.${HOSTNAME%%.*}" SCRIPT_UNIQ_DATED="${SCRIPT_UNIQ}.$(date "+%y%m%d%H%M%S").${$}" SCRIPT_DIR_TEMP="/tmp" # Make sure temporary folder is RW SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK="${SCRIPT_DIR_TEMP}/${SCRIPT_UNIQ}.lock" SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FLAG=0 SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT="+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S" SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT_PERL="$(echo ${SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FORMAT#+} | sed 's/%y/%Y/g')" HOSTNAME="$(hostname)" FULL_COMMAND="${0} $*" EXEC_DATE=$(date "+%y%m%d%H%M%S") EXEC_ID=${$} GNU_AWK_FLAG="$(awk --version 2>/dev/null | head -1 | grep GNU)" PERL_FLAG="$(perl -v 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 1)" #== file variables ==# filePid="${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}/pid" fileLog="/dev/null" #== function variables ==# ipcf_file="${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}/${SCRIPT_UNIQ_DATED}.tmp.ipcf"; ipcf_IFS="|" ; ipcf_return="" ; rc=0 ; countErr=0 ; countWrn=0 ; #== option variables ==# flagOptErr=0 flagOptLog=0 flagOptTimeLog=0 flagOptIgnoreLock=0 flagTmp=0 flagDbg=1 flagScriptLock=0 flagMainScriptStart=0 #============================ # PARSE OPTIONS WITH GETOPTS #============================ #== set short options ==# SCRIPT_OPTS=':o:txhv-:' #== set long options associated with short one ==# typeset -A ARRAY_OPTS ARRAY_OPTS=( [timelog]=t [ignorelock]=x [output]=o [help]=h [man]=h ) #== parse options ==# while getopts ${SCRIPT_OPTS} OPTION ; do #== translate long options to short ==# if [[ "x$OPTION" == "x-" ]]; then LONG_OPTION=$OPTARG LONG_OPTARG=$(echo $LONG_OPTION | grep "=" | cut -d'=' -f2) LONG_OPTIND=-1 [[ "x$LONG_OPTARG" = "x" ]] && LONG_OPTIND=$OPTIND || LONG_OPTION=$(echo $OPTARG | cut -d'=' -f1) [[ $LONG_OPTIND -ne -1 ]] && eval LONG_OPTARG="\$$LONG_OPTIND" OPTION=${ARRAY_OPTS[$LONG_OPTION]} [[ "x$OPTION" = "x" ]] && OPTION="?" OPTARG="-$LONG_OPTION" if [[ $( echo "${SCRIPT_OPTS}" | grep -c "${OPTION}:" ) -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "x${LONG_OPTARG}" = "x" ]] || [[ "${LONG_OPTARG}" = -* ]]; then OPTION=":" OPTARG="-$LONG_OPTION" else OPTARG="$LONG_OPTARG"; if [[ $LONG_OPTIND -ne -1 ]]; then [[ $OPTIND -le $Optnum ]] && OPTIND=$(( $OPTIND+1 )) shift $OPTIND OPTIND=1 fi fi fi fi #== options follow by another option instead of argument ==# if [[ "x${OPTION}" != "x:" ]] && [[ "x${OPTION}" != "x?" ]] && [[ "${OPTARG}" = -* ]]; then OPTARG="$OPTION" OPTION=":" fi #== manage options ==# case "$OPTION" in o ) fileLog="${OPTARG}" [[ "${OPTARG}" = *"DEFAULT" ]] && fileLog="$( echo ${OPTARG} | sed -e "s/DEFAULT/${SCRIPT_UNIQ_DATED}.log/g" )" flagOptLog=1 ;; t ) flagOptTimeLog=1 SCRIPT_TIMELOG_FLAG=1 ;; x ) flagOptIgnoreLock=1 ;; h ) usagefull exit 0 ;; v ) scriptinfo exit 0 ;; : ) error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: -$OPTARG: option requires an argument" flagOptErr=1 ;; ? ) error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: -$OPTARG: unknown option" flagOptErr=1 ;; esac done shift $((${OPTIND} - 1)) ## shift options #============================ # MAIN SCRIPT #============================ [ $flagOptErr -eq 1 ] && usage 1>&2 && exit 1 ## print usage if option error and exit #== Check/Set arguments ==# [[ $# -gt 2 ]] && error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: Too many arguments" && usage 1>&2 && exit 2 #== Create lock ==# flagScriptLock=0 while [[ flagScriptLock -eq 0 ]]; do if mkdir ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK} 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then info "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Locking succeeded" >&2 flagScriptLock=1 elif [[ ${flagOptIgnoreLock} -ne 0 ]]; then warning "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Lock detected BUT IGNORED" >&2 SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK="${SCRIPT_UNIQ_DATED}.lock" filePid="${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}/pid" ipcf_file="${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}/${SCRIPT_UNIQ_DATED}.tmp.ipcf"; flagOptIgnoreLock=0 elif [[ ! -e "${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}" ]]; then error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Cannot create lock folder" && exit 3 else [[ ! -e ${filePid} ]] && sleep 1 # In case of concurrency if [[ ! -e ${filePid} ]]; then warning "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Remove stale lock (no filePid)" elif [[ "x$( ps -ef | grep $(head -1 "${filePid}"))" == "x" ]]; then warning "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Remove stale lock (no running pid)" else error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Lock detected (running pid: $(head -1 "${filePid}")) - exit program" && exit 3 fi rm -fr "${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]] && error "${SCRIPT_NAME}: ${SCRIPT_DIR_LOCK}: Cannot delete lock folder" && exit 3 fi done #== Create files ==# check_cre_file "${filePid}" || exit 4 check_cre_file "${ipcf_file}" || exit 4 check_cre_file "${fileLog}" || exit 4 echo "${EXEC_ID}" > ${filePid} if [[ "${fileLog}" != "/dev/null" ]]; then touch ${fileLog} && fileLog="$( cd $(dirname "${fileLog}") && pwd )"/"$(basename ${fileLog})" fi #== Main part ==# #===============# { scriptstart ; #== start your program here ==# infotitle "Running simple cmd" exec_cmd "ls -lrt $* ;" infotitle "Running cmd in parrallel (bg jobs)" exec_cmd "sleep 10 ;" & exec_cmd "cat somequotes.txt ;" & exec_cmd "echo Another sleep cmd; sleep 9 ;" & exec_cmd "ls -lrt filenotexist ;" & sleep 1 jobs -l 2>&1 | fecho CAT "jobs -l" wait_cmd 60 infotitle "Generating a wait_cmd timeout" exec_cmd "sleep 8 ;" & wait_cmd 6 ipcf_save_rc >/dev/null #== end your program here ==# scriptfinish ; } 2>&1 | tee ${fileLog} #== End ==# #=========# ipcf_load_rc >/dev/null exit $rc
Check how this script template works
Display help with the followins options -h
and display script information only with -v
# Display help $ ./ --help SYNOPSIS [-hv] [-o[file]] args ... DESCRIPTION This is a script template to start any good shell script. OPTIONS -o [file], --output=[file] Set log file (default=/dev/null) use DEFAULT keyword to autoname file The default value is /dev/null. -t, --timelog Add timestamp to log ("+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S") -x, --ignorelock Ignore if lock file exists -h, --help Print this help -v, --version Print script information EXAMPLES -o DEFAULT arg1 arg2 # Display version info $ ./ -v IMPLEMENTATION version 0.0.5 author Michel VONGVILAY ( license CC-BY-SA Creative Commons License script_id 0
Use -o
or --output
options to specify a output log file, otherwise no log file is created.
Log file should contains exactly what you see in terminal output.
# Execute with no log $ ./ "temp*.sh" [I] start 17/09/14@14:52:23 with process id 3311 by [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/uxora_share (NOLOG) [C] ls -lrt temp*.sh [O] 1 -rwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 8929 Sep 14 14:37 [I] Sleeping for 2 seconds ... [I] finished at 14H52 (Time=2.040s, Error=0, Warning=0, RC=0). # Execute with log file in different folder and prepend timestamp to log $ ./ -to /tmp/DEFAULT "temp*.sh" 17/09/14@14:52:55[I] start 17/09/14@14:52:55 with process id 3492 by [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/uxora_share (LOG: /tmp/template.0.oralab01.170914145255.3492.log) 17/09/14@14:52:55[C] ls -lrt temp*.sh 17/09/14@14:52:55[O] 1 -rwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 8929 Sep 14 14:37 17/09/14@14:52:55[I] Sleeping for 2 seconds ... 17/09/14@14:52:57[I] finished at 14H52 (Time=2.056s, Error=0, Warning=0, RC=0). # Check generated logfile $ cat /tmp/template.0.oralab01.170914145255.3492.log 17/09/14@14:52:55[I] start 17/09/14@14:52:55 with process id 3492 by [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/uxora_share (LOG: /tmp/template.0.oralab01.170914145255.3492.log) 17/09/14@14:52:55[C] ls -lrt temp*.sh 17/09/14@14:52:55[O] 1 -rwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 8929 Sep 14 14:37 17/09/14@14:52:55[I] Sleeping for 2 seconds ... 17/09/14@14:52:57[I] finished at 14H52 (Time=2.056s, Error=0, Warning=0, RC=0).
Now let's see some error management:
# Execute an error in ls command $ ./ -o DEFAULT "temp*.sh" file1 [I] start 17/09/14@14:55:34 with process id 4321 by [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/uxora_share (LOG: /mnt/nfs/uxora_share/template.0.oralab01.170914145534.4321.log) [C] ls -lrt temp*.sh file1 [O] 1 ls: cannot access file1: No such file or directory [O] 2 -rwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 8929 Sep 14 14:37 [E] ERROR: Command failed: ls -lrt temp*.sh file1 (RC=2) [I] Sleeping for 2 seconds ... [E] finished at 14H55 (Time=2.070s, Error=1, Warning=0, RC=2). # Execute with more than two args $ ./ -o /tmp/test.log "temp*.sh" file2 file3 [E] ERROR: Too many arguments Usage: [-hv] [-o[file]] args ... # Execute with invalid option $ ./ --invalidopt [E] ERROR: --invalidopt: unknown option Usage: [-hv] [-o[file]] args ... # Testing the lock file $ ./ 2>&1 1>/dev/null & sleep 1 && ./ [1] 5585 [E] ERROR: /tmp/template.0.oralab01.lock: lock file detected # Interrupting with Ctrl+C signal $ ./ "temp*.sh" [I] start 17/09/14@15:01:45 with process id 6567 by [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/uxora_share (NOLOG) [C] ls -lrt temp*.sh [O] 1 -rwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 8929 Sep 14 14:37 [I] Sleeping for 2 seconds ... ^C[E] ERROR: FATAL ERROR at 15H01 (0.536s): Interrupt signal intercepted! Exiting now...
In the output, you can see notice each line starts with a kind of tag :
for Information[C]
for executed Command[O]
for Output of the executed command[E]
for Error[W]
for Warning
This script should catch the following signal:
signal, which is usually sent byCTL+C
signal, which can be sent withkill -TERM -<script PID>
What's new in 0.0.6
Script has been updated to be more friendly with parrallelism (via bg jobs):
- Inter Process Communication has been improved with new functions (
) exec_cmd
will now add process id tag and stderr tagwait_cmd
will wait and check return code for all command run byexec_cmd
Here is a test with parralelism:
# Execute commands in parrallel $ ./ " && echo Be careful of injection code hack here" [I] /tmp/template.0.oralab01.lock: Locking succeeded [I] Start 18/02/21@15:46:43 with pid 14830 by [email protected]:/home/oracle/test (NOLOG) [I] -==######################==- [I] -==# Running simple cmd #==- [I] -==######################==- [C] [14874] ls -lrt && echo Be careful of injection code hack here ; [O] [14874] 1 total 64 [O] [14874] 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 61 Feb 13 01:39 cmd.txt [O] [14874] 3 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 729 Feb 13 01:55 [O] [14874] 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 400 Feb 13 02:24 [O] [14874] 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 400 Feb 13 04:18 [O] [14874] 6 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 50 Feb 16 13:59 a.txt [O] [14874] 7 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 15096 Feb 19 16:45 [O] [14874] 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 660 Feb 20 12:12 somequotes.txt [O] [14874] 9 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 830 Feb 20 18:30 [O] [14874] 10 -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 18316 Feb 21 14:19 [O] [14874] 11 Be careful of injection code hack here [I] [14874] Command succeeded [OK] (rc=0): ls -lrt && echo Be careful of injection code hack here ; [I] -==######################################==- [I] -==# Running cmd in parrallel (bg jobs) #==- [I] -==######################################==- [C] [14915] sleep 10 ; [C] [14918] ls -lrt filenotexist ; [C] [14917] echo Another sleep cmd; sleep 9 ; [C] [14916] cat somequotes.txt ; [O] [14917] 1 Another sleep cmd [O] [14916] 1 "I am always doing things I can’t do. That is how I get to do them." - Pablo Picasso [O] [14916] 2 [O] [14916] 3 "It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich." - Henry Ward Beecher [O] [14916] 4 [O] [14916] 5 "You can do anything, but not everything." - David Allen [O] [14916] 6 [O] [14916] 7 "Thinking will not overcome fear but action will." - W. Clement Stone [O] [14916] 8 [O] [14916] 9 "We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us." - Rabindranth Tagore [O] [14916] 10 [O] [14916] 11 "You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take." - Wayne Gretzky [O] [14916] 12 [O] [14916] 13 "He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [O] [14916] 14 [O] [14916] 15 "Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it." - Buddha [O] [14918] 1 [STDERR] ls: cannot access filenotexist: No such file or directory [I] [14916] Command succeeded [OK] (rc=0): cat somequotes.txt ; [E] ERROR: [14918] Command failed [KO] (rc=2): ls -lrt filenotexist ; [C] jobs -l [O] 1 [1] 14915 Running exec_cmd "sleep 10 ;" & [O] 2 [2] 14916 Done exec_cmd "cat somequotes.txt ;" [O] 3 [3]- 14917 Running exec_cmd "echo Another sleep cmd; sleep 9 ;" & [O] 4 [4]+ 14918 Done(2) exec_cmd "ls -lrt filenotexist ;" [I] wait_cmd: Waiting for 2 bg jobs to finish: [14915] [14917] (elapsed: 0s) [I] wait_cmd: Waiting for 2 bg jobs to finish: [14915] [14917] (elapsed: 5s) [I] [14917] Command succeeded [OK] (rc=0): echo Another sleep cmd; sleep 9 ; [I] [14915] Command succeeded [OK] (rc=0): sleep 10 ; [W] WARNING: wait_cmd: 1 cmd_id failed: [14918] [I] -==#################################==- [I] -==# Generating a wait_cmd timeout #==- [I] -==#################################==- [C] [15338] sleep 8 ; [I] wait_cmd: Waiting for 1 bg jobs to finish: [15338] (elapsed: 0s) [I] wait_cmd: Waiting for 1 bg jobs to finish: [15338] (elapsed: 5s) [W] WARNING: wait_cmd: Time out reached (6s) - killed 1 bg job(s) - exit function [E] Finished with ERROR(S) at 15H47 (Time=18s, Error=1, Warning=2, RC=255).
Note that logs with parrallelism are more messy than sequencial and tags should help to find out which output belongs to which command.
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