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This article will present a custom shell script to install oracle software : grid infrastructure and rdbms 11g/12c.

This is a korn shell script I created for educational purpose, you are free to use and change it at your convenience.

( file attachement in this article)

Before starting, you need :
- ksh installed
- Grid Infrastructure installed files (if you want to install GI)
- Oracle RDBMS installed files (if you want to install RDBMS)

How to use this script

The script can be downloaded at the end of this article.

# Script help
[oracle]$ ./ -h
     SYNOPSIS [-xhv] [-o[file]] [-m[mntpoint]] [-u[owner]] [-g[group]] -t[typeinst] -s[srcinst]

        Script to install oracle sgbd or grid software
        with OFA directory structure

        -t [typinst],  --type=[typinst]   Set software install type ("db" or "grid")
        -s [srcinst],  --source=[srcinst] Set software install source (mandatory)
        -m [mntpoint], --mount=[mntpoint] Set oracle mountpoint (default=/u01)
        -u [owner],    --user=[owner]     Set software user owner (default=grid/oracle)
        -g [group],    --group=[group]    Set software group owner (default=oinstall)
        -o [file], --output=[file]    Set output log file (default=/dev/null)
                                      use DEFAULT keyword to autoname file
        -x, --timelog                 Add timestamp to log ("+%y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S")
        -h, --help                    Print this help
        -v, --version                 Print script information

     EXAMPLES -o DEFAULT -t grid -s /media/grid

        version ( 0.0.1
        author          Michel VONGVILAY
        copyright       Copyright (c)
        license         GNU General Public License
        script_id       12346

Please let me know if something's wrong with this script,

Silent install of Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c (
Silent install of Oracle 11g (

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